Acta Palaeontologica Polonica

Succession of coral associations during a Givetian transgressive-regressive cycle in Queensland

Yong Y.-Y. Zhen

Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 41 (1), 1996: 59-88

The small solitary coral dominated, Grypophgllum-Chostophgllum association, a pioneer coral community, is widely distributed at the base of the Givetian Burdekin Formation of north Queensland in the mixed arkose-carbonate sedjments. It is succeeded by fasciculate coral dominated, Dendrostella trigemne association, which is mainly associated with wackestone or bioclastic calcirudite of inner shelf, lagoonal or protected environments. The Australophgllum-Sanidophyllum association, Blysmatophyllum-Iowaphyllum schlueteri association, and  Spongophyllum association, all dominated by in sifu, large massive coral colonies, formed biostromal deposits on the margins of the basin. They developed in nearshore en\rironments during the maximum flooding in the region. The Aphgllum salmoni-Stringophgllum (Neospongophyllum) bipartitum association indicates relatively deeper,
mid-outer shelf environments connected with maximum flooding in the depocentre and least terrigenous influx. The massive coral dominated Endophyllum columna-Stringophyllum (Stringophyllum) isactis association, developed in the initial regressive phase, forms a distinctive biostromal unit at the top of the Burdekin Formation. The Lekanophyllum association developed at the base of the Cultivation Gully Formation in a very shallow nearshore environrnentwith a large terrigendus influx as a result of the basin wide, relatively rapid regression. It is
characterised by the abundant occurrence of solitary corals and large sized, cerioid Endophyllum columna, which often formed micro-atolls. Rugose corals were better adapted than stromatoporoids to survive of mud inllux.

Key words: Givetian, corals, associations, palaeoecology, growth form.

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