Acta Palaeontologica Polonica

Middle Cambrian lingulate brachiopods from the Tarbagatay Range, Kazakhstan

Leonid E. Popov, Lars E. Holmer, and Vladimir Ju. Gorjansky

Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 41 (3), 1996: 299-317

Early Middle Cambrian (Amgian) lingulate brachiopods from the Tarbagatay Range in eastern Kazakhstan represent mostly endemic taxa, which may suggest that the Tarbagatay Range was relatively isolated from adjacent terranes during that time; only Kleithriatreta indicate similarity with the Australian part of Gondwana, as well as with the south and central Kazakhstanian terranes. Late Middle Cambrian (Mayan) taxa from the same area are mostly cosmopolitan. Kostjubella relaxata gen. et sp. n., Prototreta(?) dolosa sp. n. and Stilpnotreta galinae sp. n. are proposed.

Key words: Brachiopoda, Acrotretida, Middle Cambrian, taxonomy, Kazakhstan.

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